Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Drums Please....or guitars

My name is Heather and I am a senior at Rowan University. I am majoring in Elementary Education and Writing Arts, with the plans of one day becoming an Elementary School Teacher.

For my writing class, Writing, Research, and Technology, we were asked to create a blog on a certain topic. The topic that I decided to choose is Alternative Rock Music. I chose this as my topic because music is one of my loves of my life. I feel that it is inspirational and therapeutic. Have you ever been in the car and heard a song and it just touches you? Have you ever heard the lyrics to a song and the words well you can totally relate to them? That is what Alternative rock has done for me. It has gotten me through so much as an adult and a teenager. I thought that it would be interesting to find out where it originally came from, how it became as big as it is today, and where it may possibly be heading in the future. I would like to share something that I love and that means so much to me with all of you.